Posts Tagged ‘film’

Making a Seesmic Post in a minivan @ UCLA

Saturday, July 19th, 2008

Making a Seesmic Video & Telling Lies with Brad Fidler from therefore on Vimeo.

I met Brad Fidler a.k.a. “fidler” or “psychiatry” on Seesmic where I found he made some of the most interesting videos. On my visit to LA this week I met with him and, after a long interview (which I’ll put up later) we did a joint Seesmic post from the minivan I rented.

Conversation with Bret Taylor of Friendfeed (part 2)

Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Part 2 of my conversation with Bret Taylor of Friendfeed at Supernova 2008 in San Francisco.

Bret Taylor of FriendFeed (2 of 2) from therefore on Vimeo.

aVaTar Documentary Starting

Wednesday, April 12th, 2006

The Subdivided documentary is in the final editing stages.
But that of course has not stopped me from starting another one. The new project
is tentatively titled aVaTar.

It’s follows the theme of community building from Subdivided into the online space. My contention is that in the near future immersive, shared online spaces will no longer be restricted to games, or even to private spaces like Second Life, but will be legitimate spaces for culture and commerce. We will move in and out of them the same way we move from web page to web page. The film asks the question: what lessons can we learn from what’s going on now in spaces like WOW, Everquest, and the social networking sites? What does it mean to have an avatar?

So… We went to our first event at Fan Faire in Atlanta over the weekend. It’s the Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) Fan Event for Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies and other properties. And apart from a truly crappy hotel - one rated four stars on Travelocity but which in reality was a two star hotel - the experience was immersive, exhausting, and very satisfying from a documentary experience.

After a day of making our presence known and getting folks comfortable with the fact that there were two guys running around sticking giant cameras in their faces, we felt like we were part of the crowd. The SOE folks were particularly helpful accommodated our numerous requests for interviews, space, light, etc.

I felt like I was there for a week, and it was just over two days.
